Our eyes were made for a very different world from the one we live in now. Digital screens, strange new postures, varying gaze directions, blue-violet light*—there’s a lot to contend with. Is it any wonder digital eye strain and visual fatigue have become such a common complaint among patients?
Enter Eyezen® Start™, an enhanced single vision lens designed to address the full range of factors causing these problems. Eyezen Start lenses offer blue-violet light filtering* as well as breakthrough technology to help reduce vision fatigue.
How it works
For the first time in a single vision lens Eyezen Start uses two optimization points to deliver two different aspheric surfaces for far and near vision. This means patients don’t have to strain their eyes to see close objects like smartphones or when focusing on distant objects through the periphery of the lens. They get the right prescription for all their daily activities across a wider area of the lens. In fact, Eyezen Start lenses greatly increase the clear area of the lens, reducing power error and unwanted astigmatism in the near vision area by up to 60%.**
Eyezen Start lenses also feature W.A.V.E. Technology: Wavefront Advanced Vision Enhancement®, which provides wearers with improved sharpness, color contrast, and vivid details in their vision.
** Points de Vue January 2019: Eyezen Start: The new generation of single vision lenses
Patients love Eyezen Start lenses
overall satisfaction for wearers†
visual comfort for satisfied wearers†
clarity of vision for satisfied wearers†
† N=49/49 — 10-point scale from 1 TO 10 — % of wearers who rated from 7 to 10 (after presentation of product concept)
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*Blue-violet light is between 400 and 455nm as stated by ISO TR 20772:2018.